Saturday, March 31, 2012

My first forgery!

Last week, my husband suggested that I "google" my own name to see what information about me and my work was available on the internet. The idea had sparked my curiosity but I was a little apprehensive about the possible results. Not that I am leading a secret double life or that my life as an artist in a rural area is filled with dubious activities, but you never know if you are sharing your name with an ex-convict or a female go-go dancer. After typing in my name, I first come across my own website and a few other websites of art organizations and events that I have participated in in the past. After a few listings, I stumble upon a link to an artist's blog featuring a very familiar picture. I had to look twice, but it was definitely a copy of one of my earliest small still life paintings, entitled "Forbidden Fruit"! Someone had copied one of my paintings....!!! "Wow, a real forgery" I am thinking! What an incredible discovery!! But after the first shock, I realized, the artist had actually given me credit for painting the original and mentioned my name in full on her blog. (I guess I just lost the forgery case) Now, I felt a little pride swell in my chest...someone took the time and effort to copy and study one of my pieces. For a long time I've known of artists copying famous master pieces at the National Gallery and the Louvre, but I guess it never crossed my mind that my work would be copied for educational purposes one day...what an honor! Even though the artist herself was not completely happy with the brilliance of the colors in her painting, I give her an "A" for effort...way to go girl!! It's not always the final result that's the trial & error part that teaches us the most valuable lessons in life!